Građevinski sektor u Hrvatskoj je 2023. pokazao znake oporavka i rasta, ali i suočavanja s inherentnim izazovima. Pogledajmo detaljnije na stanje u ovom ključnom segmentu hrvatske ekonomije.
Radna snaga i zapošljavanje:
- 10%: Građevinarstvo zapošljava oko 10% ukupne radne snage u Hrvatskoj, što ga čini vitalnim dijelom gospodarstva.
- 2% porast: Predviđa se povećanje broja zaposlenih u građevinarstvu za približno 2% u 2023. godini.
- Deficit kvalificiranih radnika: Ipak, nedostatak kvalificirane radne snage predstavlja najveću prepreku za sektor. Izvještaji pokazuju da su najtraženiji profili bili:
- Tesari
- Armirači
- Fasaderi
- Zidari
- Krovopokrivači
- Keramičari
Investicije i projekti:
- 10 milijardi eura: Ukupne investicije u građevinarstvo 2023. procjenjuju se na 10 milijardi eura.
- 5% porast: Očekuje se daljnji rast investicija od 5% u 2024. godini.
- Infrastrukturni projekti: Neke od najvažnijih infrastrukturnih radova u tijeku su:
- Autocesta A11
- Pelješki most
- LNG terminal na Krku
- Stambena izgradnja: Predviđen je i porast u izgradnji novih stanova, osobito u urbanim sredinama.
Izazovi i perspektive:
- Povećanje cijena: Pored nedostatka radnika, povišenje cijena građevinskog materijala predstavlja dodatni izazov.
- Optimizam za budućnost: Unatoč poteškoćama, građevinski sektor ima pozitivne izglede za 2024. godinu.
- Oporavak i rast: Očekuje se nastavak oporavka od ekonomske krize i značajniji doprinos rastu hrvatskog gospodarstva.
The construction sector in Croatia showed signs of recovery and growth in 2023, but also faced inherent challenges. Let’s take a closer look at the state of this key segment of the Croatian economy.
Workforce and Employment:
- 10%: Construction employs approximately 10% of the total workforce in Croatia, making it a vital part of the economy.
- 2% Increase: An increase of around 2% in construction employment is predicted for 2023.
- Skilled Labor Shortage: However, the shortage of skilled labor remains the biggest obstacle for the sector. Reports indicate that the most sought-after profiles were:
- Carpenters
- Reinforcement workers
- Plasterers
- Bricklayers
- Roofers
- Tilers
Investments and Projects:
- €10 Billion: Total investments in construction in 2023 are estimated at €10 billion.
- 5% Increase: Further investment growth of 5% is expected in 2024.
- Infrastructure Projects: Some of the most important ongoing infrastructure works include:
- Highway A11
- Pelješac Bridge
- LNG terminal on Krk
- Residential Construction: An increase in the construction of new apartments is also projected, especially in urban areas.
Challenges and Prospects:
- Price Increases: In addition to labor shortages, rising construction material prices pose an additional challenge.
- Optimism for the Future: Despite the difficulties, the construction sector has positive prospects for 2024.
- Recovery and Growth: Continued recovery from the economic crisis and a significant contribution to the growth of the Croatian economy are expected.