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Construction in Croatia 2023: Rising on Firmer Foundations

Građevinski sektor u Hrvatskoj je 2023. pokazao znake oporavka i rasta, ali i suočavanja s inherentnim izazovima. Pogledajmo detaljnije na stanje u ovom ključnom segmentu hrvatske ekonomije. Radna snaga i zapošljavanje: 10%: Građevinarstvo zapošljava oko 10% ukupne radne snage u Hrvatskoj, što ga čini vitalnim dijelom gospodarstva. 2% porast: Predviđa

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Most common countries of origin for foreigners in Croatia: Over 170 thousand permits issued

It is known from which countries most foreigners have immigrated to Croatia: A total of over 170 thousand permits have been issued. Out of the total number of residence and work permits issued, as many as 112,981 permits were issued for new employment. In accordance with the Foreigners Act, from

Autor: mipemployment
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